Banking Ombudsman
You have a dispute about a transaction or about your account, you can contact the Customer relations Manager at
In case of dissatisfaction or if a dispute persists, you can write to the Director of Bank of India.
4, Rue Halevy
75009 Paris
Tel 01 42 66 49 97
Fax 01 42 66 50 06
Email contact
The bank will acknowledge receipt of your request within ten working days. If the problem is still not solved the bank will reply within a maximum of 2 months from the date of receipt of your request.
In case of no response to your letter written to the bank within a delay of 2 months, you can lodge an appeal with the mediator.
You can contact the Ombudsman by addressing your mail to —
Monsieur le Mediateur CS 151 75422
PARIS Cedex 09
or on line at via our website
The mediator will reply within two months (from the date of receipt of the appeal ) by sending to you and to the bank his proposals of mediation.